
Vanilla pastry cream / Crème pâtissière vanille

Vanilla pastry cream / Crème pâtissière vanille

Vanilla pastry cream
Ingredients :
1 I milk
125 g granulated sugar
240 g egg yolks
125 g granulated sugar
90 g cream powder
2 vanilla pods
Method :
1-Boil the milk and 125 g sugar with the split vanilla pods.
2-Whisk the yolks with the remaining sugar without foaming fold in the cream powder pour the hot milk onto the yolk/sugar/powder mixture and whisk, Strain and cook over a
high heat for 1 min. after boiling until you obtain a smooth
3-Pour the pastry cream into a candying tray then cover
with wrap ensuring contact.
4-Cool the temperature quickly to 4°C.

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